Where did the Jewish people obtain flour and wine (and oil and spices) for the avodah in the Mishkan?   Thank you!

A number of popular entertainers (e.g. Kanye West) hold rabidly antisemitic views and make no secret of it. Yet their works are still enjoyable. What is the Halacha when it comes to benefiting from their works? Is it permitted, for example, to listen to and enjoy their songs on the radio, whereas the listener gives them no money (although the radio station pays them)? How about being a fan and telling others that you like their music? How about purchasing something that includes their works, in which each purchase gives them a minute amount of money? How about attending a live show or concert where they receive money from each ticket sold? How about reading a book by an author, living or dead, who is an avowed antisemite, whether the book itself has antisemitic content or not?

I’ve seen a source that indicates one of the reasons for the churban was the cessation of “inner circles” or “secret societies” in Jerusalem. Can you help me find the exact source. Toda Rabba

If Noah’s family were the only flood survivors then does that mean all Jewish people are descendants of Noah and his Jewish wife? Are gentiles descended from a gentile wife of a son of Noah?

Is Kanye a bad guy?

Dear Rabbi, I was wondering: How do you say “Jerusalem” in Hebrew and what does it mean? Thanks

I believe the founding of Israel is the accomplishment of Ancient prophecy of Tanach. Jews have the right to have their own nation. But Israel is threatened by her neighbors. Most of the nations in this world claim that Israel is a rogue state, occupying Palestine illegally. As a Noahide I want to support Israel. What shall I do? What shall I do to help the existence of Israel?