Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. In Rabbi Avigdor Miller’s latest q and a email he says “So you might think that the college boys and girls come carrying philosophical books under their arms and Chabad comes to greet them with sefarim like Chizuk Emunah and Kuzari and Moreh Nevuchim and there's a philosophical encounter.” Which sefer is he referring to when he says “Chizuk Emunah”? Who was the author? Thanks a lot.

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. As far as the book "Me'or Eynayim" by Azariah de Rossi, is this a book that should not be read because it contains kefirah or false statements, or may it be read because it doesn't contain kefirah or false statements? Thanks a lot.

Dear Rabbi, I noticed the divider at the Western Wall camera. What is the purpose of this division? Why is the wall divided into two sections? Thanks.

I read that there are 3 people whose iniquities are forgiven. One who converts to Judaism. One who is promoted to high position. One who marries. I understand marriage and conversion have power to cleanse iniquities. But what's the connection between one's promotion and the forgiveness of transgression?

Dear Rabbi, Why does the Shema say "Hear O Israel" that there is one God, instead of saying "See O Israel"? Why the choice of the sense of hearing and not the sense of seeing? Thanks!  

A Time to Mourn: Tisha B’Av 2021 Hi Rabbi, What is the meaning of “Tisha B’Av”? Thank you so much for your answer and for this informative and inspiring “Ask the Rabbi” service!

Hi Rabbi, who gave Moshe his name? I heard it was the daughter of Pharaoh, who found him in the Nile River. If so, why didn’t his parents give him his name? Thanks.

When Jews escaped to Japanese-controlled Shanghai, China during World War II, why didn’t the Japanese treat the Jews like their German allies did?