Was Yitro/Jethro a Jew? If not, did the wife of Moses - Tsipporah - who was Yitro's daughter, convert to Judaism before marriage to Moses?

This is an age old question: Where did dinosaurs and Neanderthals fit into creation? Were they all before Adam or after Genesis and Adam etc.?

Who was the closest talmid / follower to the Baal Shem Tov? Who was the closest talmid / follower of the Vilna Gaon?

Hello! King David instituted 24 priestly orders to serve in the Temple. For how long did each order serve? Two weeks, a month?   Thanks.   Zulma

Since Ishmael was Abraham's first son, then wouldn't he be a Jew also? When Hashem told Hagar that Ishmael would be a great nation, to what nation was Hashem referring? Why is it when Isaac was born, Hashem referred to him as Abraham's only son?

Dear Rabbi, I heard that it’s a tradition to visit, pray and say Psalms at the Tomb of Rachel, our Matriarch. Why would doing this be especially significant? Thanks!