i think i will be judged for this question, but if a person is forced to kill another person or himself, is he allowed to kill himself? which is worse, choice a or b ?

Hi Rabbi, does Judaism also believe in the principle of a person being innocent until proven guilty? If so, I’d appreciate an example. Thanks.

When speaking or writing I often rely on an idea or a statement I heard or read. How important is it for me to cite the source?

Dear Rabbi, should one accept the Valedictorian award (an award for the best academic work) when offered to him by his school? On one hand, it says in the mishna (Avot 4:28) that "jealousy, lust and honor remove a person from the world." But I once read that at times it is proper for a person to accept an award given to him. Thank you very, very much.

Hi Rabbi, I have an RS homework question that I am stuck on and feel I need help answering from a moral, spiritual and religious point of view. I am hoping that you can please help me. The qustion is about abortion: When does life begin? Thank you.

Shalom My brother and I are both dentists and pay for membership in a Jewish fraternity. We are able to purchase supplies at a discounted price. Would it be wrong if just my brother paid for his membership and I withdrew mine, then ordered my supplies through my brother's account and paid him directly?

A couple met each other through a shadchan (matchmaker), became engaged, and paid the shadchan. Afterwards, they broke the engagement. Does the shadchan have to return the payment? Thanks.

I was in a restaurant the other day, and a person came up to me and told me I shouldn’t be eating there because it’s not kosher. What chutzpah! Shouldn’t he mind his own business?

Sadly, some of our fellow Jews suffer from drug addiction. This can create problems for a Jewish community. So if a Jew has a drug problem and owes money to their dealer, are they obligated by Jewish law to pay they money they owe to the drug dealer, even though the operation of such a business is illegal?