I'm a teenager and I'm thinking about converting next year when I go to college; I read parts of the Torah and I truly believe it, however I was wondering how modern scientific concepts fit into Judaism. Do science and the Torah work together, is science incorrect, are some parts of the Torah outdated and need to be updated in the modern world (I think not)? These are my main questions, and if I could get clarification on these topics it would mean the world to me. I'm not trying to question anything in a disrespectful way (though I've heard that in Judaism it's more acceptable to question, unlike Christianity how I grew up where you follow blindly) This is what I'm wondering: Why are there other planets? How do you explain modern evolution theories? Are they incorrect or can they fit with the scriptures? If it's the year 5785, how is the Earth so old? Thank you so much!!

Muslims have found what seems to be contraadictions in the Torah. What do we say about that?

Moses was punished that he could not enter the promised land, because he hit the rock, not spoke to it. I think the punishment was too severe. He anyway obeyed HaShem. He only missed trivial detail. What did the Jewish sages say about the matter? Why was Moses punished so harshly?

I’m a teenage girl who has been thinking about converting to Judaism for years, but I don’t know where to start. My family is Christian (kind of), and I’m not sure how they’d react, so I don’t think I can convert until I’m out of the house in a few years, as well as I can't contact local synagogues or rabbis since I live in a relatively small town and my parents would find out. What should I do? I’ve been trying to learn Hebrew and have been reading articles and watching videos, but I’d love some ideas on what steps I can take now or any resources you'd recommend. I can't have any physical books lying around the house or anything like that. I just feel very lost right now and I'm not sure what to do. Lately I've felt like my life has lacked something, and when studying Judaism it feels like it fills that part of my life that I'm missing, but I will likely have to wait years before making any major changes in my life. I just need something that I can do with my time now so I'm ready when I'm able to. Thank you!

excuseme rabbi , my name is kevin im 25 years old , and live in indonesia my father are indian descent and my mother grand mother are portuguesse jews, is that mean am a jewish

Shadchan (rabbitzen) asked me why do I want to get married. I told her that G-d commanded this in Torah to Adam. She asked me a very legitimate question: "Who heard that G-d commanded it to Adam or who witnessed it, if there was no people? Who can prove that G-d ever spoke with him about anything? How do we know that G-d ever spoke to Moses, besides 10 commandments that 3 million people heard it? I think this rabbitzen has a very legitimate questions. I don't know how it relates to shidduch, its more like philosophical venue disscussion, But apparently this is very important thing to find out for shidduch process. P.S. I don't think there any real answers on questions like that... Thank you. With respect. David