a good friend of mine had alot of qustions about gambling i didnt know the answers so maybe you can help. first are u allowed to gamble in a casino or online casino or sports gambling owned by goyim. with jews i know ur not allowed. second is it a lack of faith to gamble to win money ? ( not talking about lottery maybe thats diffrent i dont know) third if he does win money is is it kosher money? does he give maaser? is there blessing in the money? last but probably most inportant bec i think this q is what got my friend asking gambling qs. if someone loses money gambling is it a kapara for him and the more he loses the more kapara? in my friends case he was up 12 thosand dollars then 2 weeks later he lost the 12 and another 10 big swing so he really wants to know is all this kapara the high of up 12 then the drop to down 10 one more thing the big loss came on erev hoshana rabah any significence? alot of people i know have these q i appreciate you takingh the time to help us out thanx

I just saw a dear person die of cancer... He was 5'10'' and 59 lbs in the end. It makes me wonder: Is there a meaning to life? If so, what is the meaning of life? Why is life unfair, and why do good people have to suffer? I just don't get it.

why do men cover there heads in services and not woman? when and where did the tradition start? can priest shave there head? just for the sake of it or only for a vow

I would like to use an electric sabbath candelabra, instead of a flame. I am too nervous that the candles will cause a fire. I have been worried about this every time i light shabbat and holiday candles. Is this allowed? Thank you. Lenore