I know women’s singing is not allowed in front of men who are not related to u but is rhyming okay? like a women saying a poem at Sheva Brachos? (which men are attending) please answer asap because I want to say it at shabbos Sheva Brachos in a few days

According to Halacha, is the animal free Remilk from Israel considered dairy for the purpose of seperating meat and dairy? Or no, since the milk is not from a live animal is it considered pareve and therefor isn’t prohibited from consumption with meat (as long as there is adequate showing it is not animal milk so there is no problem of Marit Ayin)?

i understand that when moshiach will arrive it will be the fruition of dir betachtonim but i wondering what will be the point of the jewish people then? or what will be the point of torah and mitzvot after the arrival of moshiach? once it is accomplished what we need to accomplish then that's it? if it would be possible please include sources in your answer.