Tzitzit: Physical & Spiritual Protection


Dear Rabbi,
Why does it seem that so many Israeli soldiers are starting to wear Tzitzit? Is it made out of some hi-tech super strong material?
I will keep praying for all the soldiers.



  1. The Jewish People are commanded to wear tassels (called Tzitzit) on all four cornered garments. The Rabbis explain the significance of Tzitzit as being a form of protection, both physical and spiritual. Tzitzit help direct our thoughts towards God, preventing our being overwhelmed by unacceptable desires.

    One reason for this mitzvah is that it represents the 613 commandments in the Torah. The numerical value (aka gematria) of Tzitzit is 600, plus 8 strings (on any one corner of the garment) plus the 5 knots, which makes a grand total 613!

    Another reason for the mitzvah is based on Tzitzit originally having a blue thread called Techailet. A person who is about to sin will look at that blue thread and be reminded of the sea. The sea reminds a person of the sky, the sky is a reminder of the Sapphire which the Heavenly Throne is made of. The Heavenly Throne reminds a person of God, Who serves as the ultimate “brake.” A person wearing Tzitzit has a “tool” to help pause to think carefully about the morality of the action he is about to do.

    Best wishes from the Team