Shabbat: Opening Electronic Doors


Is biometric screening to open a door or do some other thing permitted on Shabbat? I ask because I read there was a rabbinic ruling that said one can use an electric keycard on Shabbos, and this wouldn’t be an issue of “writing” since the biometric detection is purely digital.

So, according to those poskim who allow a hotel keycard, would this be permitted?



  1. I am not familiar with those who permit using an electronic key (in a hotel, for example) on Shabbat. There are some leniencies for those who are working in hospitals and the like, due to the injunction that saving lives takes precedence over Shabbat. But, even then, a doctor or a nurse would need to discuss their particular circumstances with their Rabbi to work out what are the best ways of going about opening such doors on Shabbat.

    Best wishes from the Team