What do we call the group of three Haftorot that are read between Shivah Asar B'Tamuz and Tisha B'Av? Thank You.

Dear Rabbi, I am a Registered Dietitian and my question concerns kashruth. After consuming meat, how long must a Jew wait before consuming dairy and vice versa?

Can the strings from old tzitzes be used as a book mark or to bind sidurim or other Torah books?

Why do you think the Jews were asked to kill an unblemished lamb and place the blood on a doorpost to prevent the plague of the killing of the firstborn? (Exodus 12.12) i.e. why not another available animal? What do you think the lamb symbolises?

Genesis 15:17 Who or what are the smoking oven and the flaming torch passing through the 6 pieces in verses 9 and 10? Did Abram walk between the 6 pieces?

Please the proper form and the signaficance of the ritual of hand washing. Thank you.

In regards to the lawsuit against Elite-Strauss for using non-kosher animals to make the gelatin that goes into Milkis: if the hooves used to make gelatin become sufficiently wet so that the hooves are considered "meat" for purposes of kashruth (which is the basis of the lawsuit -- the argument presumably is that because the hooves are "meat," kosher animals should have been used), then how can any Milki, which is obviously made with milk, be kosher?

According to my understanding, it has been asserted by "rambam" in one of his 13 articles of Faith that the Torah we have today is exactly the same (or something to that effect) as the Torah that God gave to Moses. It is a matter of fact that the the text of the Torah we have today is the Masoretic text. This text was compiled by the Masoretes of the "Shem ben Tov". Originally they came up with 2 differents texts: 1Ben Asher 2 Neftali. This text uses the newer hebrew consonants. It is also a matter of fact that there were 2 forms of ancient hebrew letters. God wrote the ten words which were deposited in the ark using the OLDER hebrew which is a different Hebrew from what we have today which was also later used by ancient Israel. Also, the golden headplate that said "kodesh lhashem" worn by the High priest was in the older hebrew. The Brithish Museum has artifacts of older hebrew used in Moses' day. I agree that the Torah is the same . Is the text the same? What is Jewish thought?