Husband’s Inappropriate Behavior


my husband belongs to a club that is co-ed. He hugs other women, goes out to coffee [ in groups but recently with just two women]. He just received a gift from a women….an article of clothing. I have voiced my disapproval. When I asked him to refrain from wearing this gift in my presence he lost his temper……yelling and using fowl language. He then accused me of trying to control him and stormed out the door.

I don’t think I did or said anything out of line. He is married and should not be cavorting with the opposite sex…..sparsely dressed women.

I dont know what to do. I do not have a rabbi….or a community.

Any wisdom will be welcome and appreciated.

Thank you




  1. I am so sorry to read that you are going through such a difficult time and I hope and pray that your husband will come to the realization that what he is doing is causing you anguish.

    It sounds from your description of your husband’s reaction that it is possible that he understands that his behavior is wrong. That might explain the intensity of his response. It is hard for me to know exactly what to tell you as I do not know you or your husband, but, perhaps, it might be a possibility for you to join your husband when he goes to his club and when he goes out with the participants. That way it might stop him from doing anything that is inappropriate, and, perhaps, more importantly, stop him from falling into anything that is completely unacceptable.

    Best wishes from the Team