What is the Judaism's view on how we spend our time on things, like philosophy, music, personal growth, self-mastery, gardening, spending time with animals, etc.?

Hello, Have a quick question about artificially flavoured food. There are so many pork flavoured substitutes, even if they are made out of other meat. Are any of these kinds of products kosher?

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. If one's t-shirt has a drawing of the sun and a person on it, would it be forbidden to wear that t-shirt, considering that he will be bowing down during davening with it on. I saw that only protruding images of the sun would be forbidden to keep. Would the drawing of the sun on the t-shirt be considered protruding if it has some substance to the lines that are used to draw it, in other words, one can feel the drawing's lines when he passes his finger over the drawing. Or would this not be considered protruding. Thanks a lot.

These days, there are so many tzedaka campaign links that are sent around daily. Should I be giving to everyone else shuls, yeshivos and causes at the expense of having money left to give my own shut or yeshiva or does my own causes come first?