Gravestone Clarification


Below is the translation (from Hebrew) of my great grandfather’s headstone. The translator believes that my grandfather David was a Rabbi. I have records that indicate that he was at one point president of his congregation, but can find no evidence of him serving as a rabbi. I am wondering if this is a misinterpretation, and perhaps the title rabbi was applied more as an honorific, either to just David himself, or both David and his father Zvi.

Thanks very much for any assistance!


Here Lies

An honest and honorable man our teacher and rabbi David son of rabbi Zvi Halevi died on Monday 26 on the month of Iyar 5675

May his soul be bound in the bundle of life‏‏‏‏

David – Sigal




  1. It is possible that he was a Rabbi and it is possible that he was not a Rabbi! Sometimes, the term “Our Teacher and Rabbi” is an honorific given to a parents, and sometimes it is meant as a title, “Rabbi.” Even if he did not serve as a Rabbi of a congregation, he could very well have earned the title of “Rabbi” by Torah studies and the recognition of his Torah knowledge by another Rabbi or other Rabbis of his generation.

    Best wishes from the Team