Dream of Teeth Falling Out


Hi I had a dream that my teeth fell out. I once learned that it is not a good sign and I am unsure what to do. Can you please guide me?



  1. The Talmud in Tractate Brachot 56a mentions a dream where one’s teeth fall out and the “meaning” of it. If one dreams specifically about his teeth falling out and he has no children, the dream is considered insignificant and he does not have to fast. If one has children and one has had the dream three times or more and is very concerned about it, there are two options: To fast or do what is called Hatavos Cholom. This means to take three friends and turn the bad dream into a good one by reciting certain verses and Tefillos. Hatavos Cholom can be found in most Prayer Books.

    In general, the Rabbis teach us that bad dreams that are significant can be a form of atonement and actually be beneficial to a person as, being aware of the consequences, they will be spurred on to repent. The Rabbis also teach us that for the vast majority of us, we dream at night about what we think about during the day, and dreams are of no significance.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team