Coinciding of Shabbat and Yom Tov


Dear Rabbi,
Supposedly, Shabbat is the most important holiday, more important than any Yom Tov. If that is the case, when Shabbat and Yom Tov coincide, why do we recite the liturgy of the Yom Tov Amidah with Shabbat additions and not the other way around? Why does the Torah reading for Yom Tov preempt the one that is read on a regular Shabbat?



  1. The Tefillot prayers follow the services that took place in the Temple. There were many extra sacrifices offered on Festival days that took precedence in the Temple, which showed everyone the importance of the Festival and let everyone know that Yom Tov had begun. When Shabbat and Yom Tov coincided, both the Shabbat offerings and the Yom Tov offerings were brought, but the emphasis was placed on the Yom Tov sacrifices for the same reasons. This idea is reflected in the prayers we recite when Shabbat and Yom Tov coincide.

    Best wishes from the Team