Psalms Chapter 14 has in English the word "fool" however in Hebrew the word is "Nabal" Is this talking about the person found in 1st Book of Samuel Chapter 25?  

How is there Machlokesim in Halacha if we can just go back two generations to find out the answer? Examples: Rashi vs Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin, Just find out what people wore 100 years before Beis Hillel vs Beis Shammai Vis a Vis lighting menorah, or Yaknahaz on Yom Tov what did they do before Hillel and Shammai Thank you in advance for your reply and have a Good Shabbos  

מה הדין בכהן המזה מי חטאת שהוא מן אפר פרה על הטמא, האם הוא גם נעשה טמא? או רק הנושא מי חטאת

Shalom dear Rabbi, my name is Valentin and I’m a noahide, I have a question about the Torah if that’s ok? in Devarim 22:23-24 we read the following: 23 “If a girl who is a virgin is engaged to a man, and another man comes upon her in the town and has sexual relations with her; 24 you are to bring them both out to the gate of the city and stone them to death — the girl because she didn’t cry out for help, there in the city, and the man because he has humiliated his neighbor’s wife. In this way you will put an end to such wickedness among you. my question is this: is that woman a rape victim that hasn’t screamed loud enough, or is it a woman that was having consensual intercourse with someone that was not her fiancé? Because if she was raped but couldn’t scream because she was knocked out, or gagged, how is stoning her justified? thanks in advance for your answer!

Hi, Jehovah's Witness organization has applied Deuteronomy 19:15 to child sexual abuse, and their policy for many years has been to NOT call the police, or even look into the matter if only one parent or child reports that they have been abused. I see that some translations do not use the wording "rise up against", rather, they use the wording "convict" on the basis of only one witness.   So, I was curious what has been the historic and modern day Jewish understanding and application of this?   Thanks, from Tucson, Arizona.