From the standpoint of achieving the level of cleanliness one must have for prayer and other spiritual activities, is it preferable to take a bath or shower? Or does it even matter?

I am am in my early 20’s. I have been through significant childhood trauma that I am in the process of overcoming. I’ve struggled with my relationship with hashem but I am finally ready to revisit it. I want to know if you can give me specific quotes from Chazal about hashem being a loving father. And about hashem lovingly giving us challenges. And others with a similar message for me to have to repeat to myself when things are hard that hashem loves me and didn’t abandon me to suffer.

Dear Rabbi, I grew up with almost no background in Judaism but recent events in Israel have prompted me to learn more about my heritage. Any advice for me? Thank you

I’m at an early stage of considering becoming observant in Jewish lifestyle and practices, but something is on my mind that I think holds me back. If I go ahead and follow Jewish Orthodoxy, will I be looked down upon as a “second class citizen” by others who were born observant? Maybe this shouldn’t bother me, but it does. Thanks.

Dear Rabbi, we have a son and daughter who are showing growing interest in Jewish observance and were advised by friends to go to Israel for a year to Yeshiva and Seminary. We are all for their pursuing their interest but don’t want them to become rabbis or get married there too young or decide to stay there forever! Are we wrong to object or should we support their decision to go if that’s what they want?