I recently discovered that my mother's mother was Jewish. I wasn't raised as a Jew. Am I considered a Jew? Should I just ignore this ancestry tidbit?

Hi Rabbi, what is a "vort" mean in the contest of engagement to get married? Thanks.

My mother was born Jewish, but, converted to Christianity. According to Conservative law, am I Jewish?

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. I once heard this prayer for a shidduch but I don't remember the exact wording. I believe it begins, "Ploni ben Plonis," and then something like "something v'hagun." Can the Rabbi tell me the correct wording of this prayer? Thanks a lot.

Hi Rabbi, does Judaism have a “secret recipe” for making a nation more united? It hurts me to see so much division in our society today. Thanks in advance.

UN Ambassador Nikki Haley recently told a joke at a charity event about the president referring to her a shiksa? What language is this word and what does it mean?