Dear Rabbi, If I child takes his parent’s car without permission and against the orders of his parents (thereby constituting theft), and then he drives it far enough that t’filat haderech must be recited, is he still required to recite t’filat haderech? Is there any vainness to this blessing since his travel itself is sinful? How about one who drives such a distance on Shabbat. Do they recite t’filat haderech, even though they are traveling in sin?

I read that there’s a request to pray for an Israeli soldier who was recently critically wounded in a shooting attack. His name was given as Netanel Ilan ben Shaina Tzipora. I notice that his name mentions his mother’s name. Why is that so? Thanks.

What brocho does one make on milled bran that is mixed with hot water and made into cereal?

Do religious Jews really saw a blessing after using the bathroom? Thanks!

Dear Rabbi, I recently got a blessing from a Chassidic Rabbi. This blessing was quite astonishing (in a good way). What is the significance of a blessing from a Chassidic Rabbi?

Dear Rabbi, thank you for your previous answer. Another question I have now in my studies is that the Torah seems to use the same word to mean both bless and kneel. "Baruch", spelled bet, resh, chaf, in various grammar forms. Is there any obvious connection between these two meanings for the same word? Thanks

I have many difficulties in my life, such as health problems and money problems and more. Will you please pray for me?

Rabbi, I read that "Hallel should be recited during the day and not at night." Please explain why. Thanks.