Does Hashem punish a sinner during his lifetime or does He wait unitl his death?

I often get angry and tend to act irrationally while I’m angry. I realize that things I said or done in anger are always destructive for me and my family. What prayer can help overcome my anger?

Hi Rabbi, does Judaism also believe in the principle of a person being innocent until proven guilty? If so, I’d appreciate an example. Thanks.

I'm wondering what Judaism says about materialism? Is it okay to desire worldly possessions or are we supposed to be all “spiritual” and deny or diminish our enjoyment of the material pleasures of the world?

I have a co-worker who asks me many questions about Judaism. One morning when he came to work he told me his children asked him why they have to go to church. He didn't know what to tell them. He said an honest answer would have been, "Go to church so you won't go to Hell." But he didn't know if he should be so blunt with his young children. Then, he suddenly looked at me and asked, "What would you tell your children? Don't Jews believe in Hell?" I said that I had never been taught the concept in my religious education and had never heard it discussed in the synagogue. I was taught that Judaism emphasizes this world we live in right now. So, Rabbi, does Judaism believe in Hell?

I admit that recent rockets from Gaza, in addition to other world events, frighten me. What does Judaism teach about dealing with fear?

When speaking or writing I often rely on an idea or a statement I heard or read. How important is it for me to cite the source?

Hi, Is it true that if someone embarasses someone it’s as if they spilled blood?