Dear Rabbi I would like to know where in the Torah it discusses the topic of anger. Thank you very much!

Hi Rabbi, How can I stop listening to gossip and believing it and judging others badly? I know being party to any defamation is wrong but I can’t help myself! Do you have any advice for me to begin judging others favorably? Thanks

Hi Rabbi, What can Judaism teach me about practical ways to combat the greediness that I feel? I don’t think I’m a bad person but I am self aware enough to realize that I am too greedy. Thanks so much!

Is there such a thing as being “too kind” and helpful according to Judaism?

Hi, I was booking my summer trip to Israel and found a “glitch” on Delta's Website. They listed the first class seat as the price for the economy seat. I immediately bought the first class ticket because it was the cheapest fare solely due to this glitch . An hour later the glitch was fixed. However I got my first class ticket and bought it for $600 when the fee should have been 3500. Is this Genava? Did I steal because of this glitch?

I found inside my purse an expensive necklace that doesn’t belong to me. I don’t know how it got there, but I think it dropped there accidentally. And I have no idea where it came from and no way of locating the owner. The purse I found it in is one I take to nice occasions. I last cleaned it out before Passover, and since then, I’ve been with it to two weddings, four graduations, a bat mitzvah, an award ceremony, plays, concerts, restaurants, on the subway, and a lot more places. I have probably been around thousands of people with it, mostly strangers I paid no attention to were there. This could belong to literally anyone. I found out this necklace is mass produced and sold at a major jewelry chain for around $300. My Facebook post failed to find an owner, but yielded a link to buy one just like it. The one in my possession has no markings to hint at its owner. While going through my purse, I found an expensive necklace that doesn’t belong to me. I don’t know how it got there. And I have no way of locating the owner. I think it must have fallen in by accident and someone is missing it, but I have no idea who or from where. The purse I found it in is one I take to nice occasions. I last cleaned it out before Passover, and since then, I’ve been with it to two weddings, four graduations, a bat mitzvah, an award ceremony, plays, concerts, restaurants, on the subway, and a lot more. In all those places, I have probably been around thousands of people, mostly strangers I paid no attention to were there. This could belong to literally anyone. I found out this necklace is mass produced and sold at a major jewelry chain for around $300. My Facebook post failed to find an owner, but yielded a link to buy one just like it. The one in my possession has no markings to hint at its owner. It is actually a necklace I very much like and wish I could have. But I wouldn’t want to obtain it in a manner that is unethical or that violates the Torah. It would really mean a lot to me if I could return it to its rightful owner, but that seems like a long-shot. What should I do about this?

Dear Rabbi, I know that as Jews, we do not question what came before Creation and what will come after Mashiach. That being said, how are we supposed to view scientific discoveries, such as dinosaur fossils and carbon dating? I do not believe the world is billions of years old (unless it’s true that every day of Creation could’ve been much more than one day), but how can we explain it? Thank you!

Hi I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the following issues. For example, if one does well in school or at work and they are given compliments, is he allowed to feel good about his accomplishments? Is one allowed to take credit for achievement? I ask this because Judaism teaches that G0d does all. However, is there room for being proud of one's accomplishments? May one think, "Wow! I really did a good job on ..."? What is the proper and kosher way to think about this matter? Thanks!