Is anorexia a sin? I’ve been struggling with it and it’s behaviors.

I am ethically Jewish and was not at all raised religious. My family stopped practicing because of immigrating and the Holocaust. I’m currently in college and have recently learned about Chabad On Campus. I have started attending events as I am drawn to returning to my heritage as I find truth in the Torah. Despite already being a Jew, I feel like I’m an imposter and I feel like I don’t truly belong. I feel like I don’t measure up to people who were raised religiously. I feel embarrassed knowing that I don’t have the same knowledge as everybody else. What do I do?

I have a degenerative eye condition and want to know what the Torah and Chazal say about disability. I really need some chizuk, as things have been very hard lately, and facing the prospect of totally going blind is terrifying. Also, I kind of recall from high school a Medrish or Gemorrah about the Greeks having a statue of Avraham with a limp, and Yitzchak being blind, and I wanted to know if there was more to that, and where its from. Thank you so much.