According to Halacha, should one only recite Hatov vehamietiv on new, better wine If one is drinking it with a meat meal, or can it be recited without a meat meal

Dear Rabbi, What is the Priestly Blessing all about? Thanks

Is anorexia a sin? I’ve been struggling with it and it’s behaviors.

Once I week, I have to drive alone a distance that requires me to recite tefilat haderekh. I have been unable to memorize the text of tefilat hadarekh, even though I have tried. It is obviously unsafe to read it out of a siddur or on a printed sheet of paper while driving. There is no safe place to pull over to recite it on my route. It is a busy interstate highway. I remember some, but not all words. What do I do about this?

If one is davening and in the middle of prayer receives a text message for which urgency of response is demanded by the sender, is it permitted at any point during the prayer service to respond to the text? Do the same rules apply as talking with your voice during davening? Or are there different rules for texting?

Suppose you have a meal, drink, or snack, then you think you’ve had enough to eat to satiety and recite your bracha acharona, and then a few minutes later, you are hungry (or thirsty) once again, do you have to recite a bracha on the next batch of food or drink?