Can Jews fulfill the chiyuv of saying 100 berachot a day by answering amen to another Jew’s beracha, or must they recite it themselves

According to Halacha is it permissible for a kohen to make an animal or more specifically foreleg, cheeks and maw issur hanaah so the shochet is Petur from giving them the gift

To my knowledge Jews are prohibited against prostitution and harlotry, gentiles are not. But can Jews benefit from the profit of gentile prostitutes

Who does goel hadam for converts since they don’t have family in Halacha after they convert

According to Halacha, if a Jew eats meat, do they have to wait after eating meat to consume whey, or do they merely have to finish eating, wash their mouth, and drink water? Are the rules for whey different when it comes to waiting after meat relative to milk or no?

According to Leviticus 7:24 forbidden fats from non Shech’ted animals may be used for any purpose but eating. Therefor is it permissible to cook them with dairy and/or sell them mixed with dairy? Or is that still issur hanaah despite this Passuk saying it can be used for non eating purposes?

In the Torah, Exodus 21:8 it is commanded that a man who acquires a Jewish girl sold by her parent has to either marry or redeem her. My question is, what if after he buys her he becomes mentally incompetent, what happens to her?

According to some Poskim, such as I believe the Tzitzit Eliezer, It is permissible to be Yotzei havdalah or Megillah over telephone. My question is, on Yom Tov, if one holds by this view may one hear kiddush via the telephone as ochel nefesh (a type of normally prohibited action permitted on Yom tov for holiday needs).

The Torah in Vayikra 12:1-5 states a woman is separated like a niddah after childbirth. Does this law apply to egg donors whose eggs are fertilized in another woman?