What is the origin of the word “Amen”? Does it first appear in the Torah? Why do we say it after hearing a blessing? Thank you.

It seems that there might be some connection between the 40 days and 40 nights of the Flood followed by the rainbow and the 40 days and 40 nights that Moses spent on Sinai followed by the golden calf. Do you know of any such connection made by any of the Rabbis of earlier times? Thank you for a most absorbing and interesting series of Q & A's!

1. The Israelites ate manna during ALL 40 years that they wandered in the desert. Is that correct? 2. Did they also eat quail during ALL 40 years? 3. I found conflicting passages about quail. Exodus 16:1 On the fifteenth day of the second month after their departure from the land of Egypt, the Israelites started complaining. So G-d provided manna. Manna fell for them on the sixteenth of Iyar. Exodus 16:13 is the first time that quail is mentioned. Quail were provided at night. Was this provision of quail a one-time occurrence or every night? Numbers 11:18–20 seems to indicate that G-d provided quail for 30 days only until the Israelites were sick of eating it. At what point during the 40 years did this occur? Thanks.

There is a Hebrew symbol for prosperity that was spoken over me. Can you give me Hebraic history about this symbol?

I want to go into business and need a non-Jewish partner to operate the business and receive the profits made on Shabbat. One of my best friends has a Jewish father and non-Jewish mother. He considers himself Jewish because of his patrilineal ancestry, though he knows that Orthodox Jews don’t recognize him as a Jew and accepts that. He is a very nice and honest person and is one of the few people I trust for this. Can such a person be used under any circumstances as a Shabbos goy?

Dear Rabbi, "Pareve" is a very common term. Has it always been this way, and when did it originate? Also, what is the source of the word? Thank you.

Are all Rabbis from the tribe of Levi?

Hi, what is the basic Jewish view of organ donation and transplants? I know that in general that autopsies are seen as a desecration of the body, but what if a person's organs will save another person's life?