Since the Passuk in the Torah commanding shechita (Deuteronomy 12:21) mentions “your settlements” does this mean according to Halacha shechita in outer space is invalid? Or Is my hypothesis completely basis?

does soap have to be kosher? If it is made out of tallow (cow fat?) As anything on your skin is absorbed into your body.

Dear Rabbi, What rationale are given in Judaism for not eating meat and milk together? Thanks

According to Halacha is wine previously handled by a publicly Mechalel Shabbat Jew who is now a Baal Teshuvah kosher retroactively? And would it be the same rule for him and for other Jews who drink it? sources please

According to Halacha, is Brain death in animals considered death for the purposes of "Ever Min hachai"? So could a brain dead animal have its limb removed and eaten for Noahides? Obviously Jews have to have shechita but since non Jews don’t is brain death enough for it to be kosher for them?

How far does the obligation to support a Jewish over a non-Jewish competitor go? Where I live is there is a Jewish-owned kosher supermarket and several non-Jewish supermarket franchises. The non-Jewish stores sell plenty of kosher products and many of the same items as the kosher store, often for less money. Sometimes it is more convenient to go to the non-Jewish stores when I am closer to one. And the kosher supermarket gets so crowded that there are very few times during the week when the lines are short enough that I really feel like going there. The owner of the kosher store is very wealthy and isn’t missing much if I shop somewhere else.

My employer holds mandatory weekly meetings at a non-kosher restaurant. The restaurant is cafeteria style and also sells some factory produced items with kosher certification that are intended for carryout but nevertheless ready to eat. Am I permitted to eat these items during the meetings at the same table while everyone else there eats non-kosher food?

Hi Rabbi, Why does Judaism require meat to be salted before it may be eaten? Thanks

is milt (seminal discharge of fish) from a non kosher fish, kosher? Is it similar to honey which comes from non kosher bees but is kosher? Has any posek ruled on this?