Shalom! I'm Andrew. Studying in detail the Genesis creation and history of mankind. My aim is to establish that the eating of clean animals (i.e. kosher) and avoiding unclean was established after the flood, and not for the first time at Mt Sinai after the Exodus. Some Christians use Gen 9:3 (Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you..KJV) to say that swine was only a rule for Israel, because it was only given to them at Sinai. I don't believe this. I first use Leviticus 18:27 to establish that when God uses the word "abomination" it means that it always was and always will be, because God does not change (Malachi 3:6). Therefore when in Leviticus 11 God pronounces the eating of unclean flesh an abomination, it means it always was. Now then Genesis 7:2, speaking of the 7 clean beasts on the Ark, would suggest to me that Noah knew of God's eating plan and the abomination of unclean flesh, and so Genesis 9:3 would not include the unclean animals. Am I on the right track? Or would you add or change my study on this? Thank you,  

Does Triple Sec need a Hechser? If so please tell me a brand to look for. Thank you.

Why is yogurt with live acidopilus and bifidus cultures kosher to eat if we are not allowed to eat bugs?

What’s the proper way to deal with a situation like this: you have been told by your local vaad hakashrut that a certain hechsher is not reliable and any food products certified with it are not recommended. Then you go over for a Shabbat or Yom Tov meal to the home of someone who is seemingly very observant. And you discover they are serving you a product under that hechsher, along with lots of other food prepared on the same kelim. And they insist it is all kosher. This is a situation I have found myself in before.

At what age should my wife and I start making sure our son is observing all the kashrut laws? He is just turning one and since we do keep kosher, we're starting to feel awkward about giving him his milk bottle before bed when he has just finished a dinner consisting of meat.

In Exodus 23:19, Exodus 34:26 and Deuteronomy 14:21 States: " Do not cook a young goat in its mother's milk." What is the explicit reason for this instruction of not cooking a goat this way and given as a command when G-d gives it THREE times? Thank you for the research...I hit a dead end in mine.