Does Triple Sec need a Hechser? If so please tell me a brand to look for. Thank you.

What’s the proper way to deal with a situation like this: you have been told by your local vaad hakashrut that a certain hechsher is not reliable and any food products certified with it are not recommended. Then you go over for a Shabbat or Yom Tov meal to the home of someone who is seemingly very observant. And you discover they are serving you a product under that hechsher, along with lots of other food prepared on the same kelim. And they insist it is all kosher. This is a situation I have found myself in before.

Coconut water naturally comes from coconut can a jew drink it after cutting coconut by a non jew?

On Rosh Hashana we eat apple and honey as a sign for a sweet year. Apropros, I have a question that no one I know can answer: Why is honey Kosher? I thought that the product of non-Kosher animals was not Kosher as well. Bees are not Kosher, so why is honey Kosher? I appreciate your time and hope you know the answer.  

Can you eat/juice the peel of fruits and vegetables. Also what bracha is a juice that is mixed with fruits and veggies?