Dear Rabbi, Today we can see many people doing what is against the Torah, including domestic violence on parents, adultery and telling lies is very common but it is a disgusting matter that many liars want that they will tell lies but others will speak the truth to them. However, the number of wicked people is increasing rapidly. I think in the future there will be no righteous in the world. Will God destroy the world at that time?

Is there any reason some people might omit Tachnun on Adar 7? I was at a shul yesterday I normally don’t go to. I went because I was in the area. I was surprised to find out they weren’t saying Tachnun. I thought perhaps there was a newlywed and after services, I asked the guy sitting next to me who just got married. He said no one there got married. A few people then told me it is their minhag to omit Tachnun on Adar 7. They didn’t say why. The rabbi left in a hurry after services to do carpool. And most people were in a hurry to leave to go somewhere. I couldn’t get an answer why Adar 7 is such a special date.

Are prayers with scripts identical to orthodox ones, but recited in a non-orthodox synagogue valid? Does G-d accept these prayers? Or are they rejected by G-d, only to remain on earth?

If one mistakenly recites the wrong paragraph in the last blessing of Amidah (Sim Shalom or Shalom Rav), must the Amidah be repeated?

What drives people from Jewish background to excel in their work or profession?

Do gerim recite Shelo asani goy? G-d made them goyim, and then they chose to be Jews. So then do they thank Hashem for not having made them goyim?

I am curious. We recite the song at the sea every day but it cuts off before Miriam leads the woman in a shorter version and I am just wondering why we dont say the entire passage including the song of the woman as its only like four or five more lines?