Hi, I've been working on my lashon hara and been careful about what I say. the problem is that my friends and I have a document that serves many purposes, and my friends like to document things that happened. They (and I probably have too) have written down things that I had said about things that happened to me regarding other people before I started to be more careful. I try to not push my goals on them (if they want to tell me something, even if it probably shouldn't be said, I listen because I'm the person they tell things to) but sometimes I feel like keeping the things that I've said written down is more lashon hara. No one but my friend group has access to this document and they already knew it all but it still feels wrong. I tried secretly deleting something that I said more recently (I said it because I needed advice) but one friend noticed and called the other to try to remember what it was and put it back. What should I do? I feel weird about leaving it but I don't want to try to push my changes on my friends.

Is it permissable to use henna to mark or decorate your body

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. Dam sh’bishlo (cooked blood) is only assur to eat d'rabbanan. Is it davka cooked blood that is forbidden only rabbinically, but fried or roasted or other prepared blood would be assur d'oraisa, or would these methods of preparing the blood also be only rabbinically forbidden to eat. Thank you.

What is the Judaism's view on how we spend our time on things, like philosophy, music, personal growth, self-mastery, gardening, spending time with animals, etc.?

Hello, Have a quick question about artificially flavoured food. There are so many pork flavoured substitutes, even if they are made out of other meat. Are any of these kinds of products kosher?