I would like to know if there is scientific evidence on evaluation. Why don't Jews believe it and do we just not believe even when there's evidence?

i was recently hearing a discussion i know it might sound funny but it was about the earth being flat or a circle i was just wondering if there is any proofs either way from the tnach or the gemoroh and would love to hear them thanks

Hi Rabbi, why did God command for Adam and Eve to not eat from the tree of knowledge — since He knew in advance that they would not obey? Thanks.

This is an age old question: Where did dinosaurs and Neanderthals fit into creation? Were they all before Adam or after Genesis and Adam etc.?

Dear Rabbi, Adonai Elohim allowed the human being to eat the product which was produced by every tree in Gan Eden, except from the tree of knowledge (understanding) of what’s good and bad. So with this knowledge human knew of which trees one could eat and of which tree one couldn’t eat; they should have known that it would be a transgression of the command (i.e. a sin) if they indeed ate from it. But without the knowledge of what’s good and what’s bad, produced by this one tree, how could Adam and Chavah have knew it was ‘bad’ to eat from it’s fruit, and ‘good’ not to eat from it? How could they have been able to make a discernment between good and bad, make a judgement? One more thing, Adonai seems to have made everything He created ‘good’ and even ‘very good’. If the human being had only experienced good - and witnessed, experienced or practiced nothing with which to contrast good - up until the point they sinned and their eyes were opened, how would the human being have ever been able to inherently know it would be bad to eat from the fruit of this one tree? How could the human being have known what would be proper and fitting? How could they have known it was the right thing to listen and obey G-d's voice, and wrong to follow their own voice (i.e. the snake)?  

Dear Rabbi, God is called Hamakom, which literally means "The Place." For example: "HaMakom y'nachem etchem - May the Omnipresent comfort you," or "Baruch HaMakom, baruch Hu - Blessed is the Omnipresent, blessed is He." What is the origin/source of this name for God?

Who was God addressing when He said, "Let US create man in our image"? Who does "us" refer to?

The Torah says the world is less than 6000 years old. Science says it is billions. Scientific and archaeological evidence show human civilization dating back nearly 30,000 years! Anyone with a reasonable mind, even someone with full faith in the accuracy of the Torah, finds this hard to ignore. How can these discrepancies be explained, and what does the average rabbi say about this?