In the book of Malachi the prophet says that we rob God my question. Is this God says that we are to bring our offerings in God says that there would be meat in his house can you help me understand this I know all about 10% of our earnings that go to the work of God but when God speaks of his house what is he saying I'm not Jewish and sometimes I just don't understand what the profits are saying God speaks of the House .

Leviticus 17:11 says 'without the shedding of blood there is not remission of sin', Yet present day Judaism has no atonement, no Temple, no Kaporah, just teachings of Rashi and Maimodes. They are all mute as far as the blood atonement is concerned. Do you believe that G-d has left us without an atonement for the last 2,000 years or do you think He possibly has made another arrangement which Judaism does not want to acknowledge. When I called up a Rabbi on the radio about that the blook atonement he became so angry that he began screaming and had me cut off.

What does is it mean that God breathed the breathe of life into man and man became a living soul? Is it that when Adam was created he acted differently before the breathe of life was breathed into him or was he just a cold mass of clay?

Dear Rabbi, My husband and I are about to have our second child. It is a girl and we would like to name her after my husband's deceased father, Nathan. My husband is set on the name Natalie, which I like, but understand that most connotations of the name mean "born on Christmas." This Christian association bothers me as Jew. Thus, he is very open to altering the spelling of the name so that there is not the direct link to Christianity. We are considering both Natali and Natalee. Do you have advice on this? And what would an appropriate Hebrew name be? Also, we are considering the middle name Rose. Would Rivke be the best hebrew choice? thank you, Mindy Kalchman

Leviticus 17:11 says 'without the shedding of blood there is not remission of sin', Yet present day Judaism has no atonement, no Temple, no Kaporah, just teachings of Rashi and Maimodes. They are all mute as far as the blood atonement is concerned. Do you believe that G-d has left us without an atonement for the last 2,000 years or do you think He possibly has made another arrangement which Judaism does not want to acknowledge. When I called up a Rabbi on the radio about that the blook atonement he became so angry that he began screaming and had me cut off.