We recently had to put our dog to sleep. He was part of our family and loved. My question is will we see him again in heaven? What biblical proof do we have? Thank you for your consideration, Serena

For personal reasons, I have held back on having my son bar mitzvahed. He is now 15. He recently went out of state to a cousin's bat mitzvah. He was given the honor of doing an aliyah and told me that in the process he received an "honorary bar mitzvah." He says that he was blessed by the rabbi and give a talit. What exactly is an "honorary bar mitzvah" and does it have any true significance? Since my son did not read a Torah portion or Haftorah, I do not see how this could be a legitimate ceremony. To say that I am livid over having my parental authority undermined is an undertatement.

Le envio un gran saludo y deseo saber si una persona judia, que desee incorporar en su vida la forma de vida y las enseñanazas de la desaparecida secta judia de los esenios, sin negar ni desechar el judaismo rabinico, tendria frente al judaismo rabinico, inconvenientes o falta de aceptacion. Desde ya quedo a su disposicion y le renuevo el saludo.- Haomer.-

if possible a concise answer on womens headcoverings and perhaps lenienicies

Why can't human organs be donated so that others can live?