Because "El" in Hebrew is one of G-d's names, do we have to write it aleph-dash-lamed? I never see it written that way. If not, why not? Thank you!

I am desperately seeking a genuine spiritual "happy place". I was raised christian but I am looking for a relationship with God that I am lacking! I really appreciate jewish values and beliefs. How difficult would it be for me to get involved with a jewish temple? Can I be accepted? What sort of hope would I have for the afterlife? Thank you so much!

Why did God harden the heart of the Pharoah each time the Pharoah was willing to let The Jews go?

Mr. rabbi im an american-palestinian and i have the most respect for all the people of the world including Israelis please Rabbi tell me im going to Ramallah next year do u think there will be peace in Israel and Palestine by atlest 2007

Greetings, I read the article about Jewish people leaving Israel. I hear the Christians say the Jewish people are returning to their land. They pay money to send them there. So how can all those people be leaving while many are returning? Thank you.