Once I week, I have to drive alone a distance that requires me to recite tefilat haderekh. I have been unable to memorize the text of tefilat hadarekh, even though I have tried. It is obviously unsafe to read it out of a siddur or on a printed sheet of paper while driving. There is no safe place to pull over to recite it on my route. It is a busy interstate highway. I remember some, but not all words. What do I do about this?

My husband thinks when I try to delve more deeply with my questions , comments, opinions into his ideas, he says I am starting an argument. He studies Torah 1x week with a rabbi. My thinking is that my probing, alternate opinions/ideas is similar to what he does in his Chavrusa: questioning, debating, interpreting among 2 or more people to, possibly, or not, consider other theories. To not take personally what I’m saying or calling it negative thinking but to engage in a probing (peaceful & respectful) discussion.

what does Judaism have to say regarding Hannah Arendt’s theory that evil is passive, banal rules following as opposed to a form of active conscious evil?

Hi, this is a follow up on the female homosexuality question from a few days ago. Thank you for responding, I’ll try to be more specific. From the teshuvot I’ve read it looks like there’s a prohibition against women being nasim mesolelot and a second prohibition against their following the ways of Egypt/marrying each other. Obviously women can do physical activities like holding hands and can have relationships that share a few things in common with marriages, like sharing housing, but there are physical actions that obviously go too far/violate nasim mesolelot, and there are relationships that obviously resemble marriage closely/violate כמעשה ארץ מצרים. I understand the categories broadly, but haven’t been able to find a source that explains what the criteria are for either prohibition. I'm becoming unsure that it exists really. I've asked the question unsuccessfully but am uncomfortable involving the remaining people I would ask. Sorry for the repeated question, thanks in advance.