Wanting To Be a Pharisee


Shalom Aleichem, I am a believer in Yeshua and I am very interested in the Ancient Pharisees, Especially because it is said that He was a Pharisee. And I want to learn more about them and become one. Where can I read up on all of their ancient traditions and beliefs? I already know that they obviously kept Torah, They believed G-d is The One and Only G-d, And They kept the tradition of hand washing. All these things I believe in also. So where can I read more about them and become one?



  1. The Pharisee tradition is the one that Jewish religion uses up to and including today. That means that your desire to know more about the Pharisee tradition means that you need to read about modern-day Judaism and how it is practiced. Personally, I would suggest that you take a look at a site like www.eichler.com which is an enormous Jewish bookstore to see what might appeal to your curiosity.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team