I have had intrusive thoughts over the years and I have felt very guilty for them. I have become more religious lately and for a year now (of being more religious) haven’t had such thoughts. The past few days I started having bad thoughts again and I’m wondering if it is Satan causing me this. How can I stop these thoughts? Does Hashem still love me?

So, I am technically not Jewish, because of the matrilineal rule. So, by that rule, if I'm correct in my thinking, I'd have to convert. Unfortunately, my father, though Jewish, is not practicing, and therefore, I was not taught any information and I need to know that in order to live my life the way it should be lived. I am new to the idea of even being religious, as my mother is an atheist, and prejudiced against religious people. So, if I could have some assistance on how to start learning when I have no ability to go to a temple in person, that would be extremely helpful. Thank you!

Is it true that people have limited words, if so what happens when you run out of them and what is the source for this?

Generally speaking, what is the difference in halachic methodology between orthodox rabbis (like Joseph Soloveitchik or Mordechai Eliyahu) and conservative rabbis like Saul Lieberman and Elliot Dorff for how they make responsa?

If it is generally accepted here that orthodoxy is more true than other denominations of Judaism like reform, conservative, reconstructionist etc. why are most Jews affiliated with synagogues not orthodox? Why does it seem like there’s a mindset gap between orthodoxy and the rest of Judaism

I was raised by my father and stepmother, who to me is my mother. My father and stepmother are both Jewish. My biological mother was not Jewish. All my siblings who are the flesh and blood of my stepmother are Jewish and one of them became religious. And the woman I want to marry is Jewish. I was raised fully as a Jew with no hint of any other religion, and I had a bar mitzvah. Everyone who knows me thinks I am Jewish. But Jewish law doesn’t consider me Jewish because my biological mother who died when I was an infant was not. I can easily have a Reformed or Conservative conversion, but I want one that is Orthodox. I want to be just like everyone in my family and community. Is there any way, any loophole, where I can have an orthodox conversion to Judaism but not be fully observant and still be myself thereafter?

I am looking for a way to earn some extra money. One of the options I found is mystery shopping. Basically, you enter a store, engage with a salesperson, and pretend you are interested in the merchandise, but in the end, you don’t buy it (or in some cases you do). You subsequently write a report about your interaction that is used by the employer to evaluate that salesperson. It sounds like an easy way to make money, but it seems to conflict with some issues I have learned about Halacha. What do you think?