In the Torah it states that in Biblical times people lived to be hundreds of years old. How is this possible, given the fact that people don't live nearly as long today even with the advances in medical technology?

My question is based on the idea that there is a number (72?) of hidden צדיקים that are in every generation. So, why do they keep hidden? Shouldn't they be in the thick of society as Gedolim (great and righteous ones)?

Rabbi, is it easy being Jewish? I saw your Gateways Ask the Rabbi project on exhibit at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum in Dresden, Germany. I never really had a chance to ask a rabbi this question before: Is it harder for someone like me, who didn’t grow up observant, than for someone for you who grew up keeping everything? Thanks!

I only have a secular name from birth but I’m strongly considering receiving a Jewish name also, and go by my new Jewish name. Would you please tell me what I should do? God bless you!

Dear Rabbi, I should open by saying how much pleasure I have reading your answers which are full of wisdom and good sense. A friend asked me a beautiful question recently: In the future, when the dead are resurrected, won’t the world be surely overpopulated? Thanks!

Greetings, I have been looking at the lives of Jacob and his children and cannot find any information about the age at which Benjamin and Dinah died. Are there any records that shed light on this? Thanks

I have always wondered: How did all the different races and colors of the world come from Adam and Eve?