Shalom, if I may ask another question regarding Jacob. It is said that he dwelled in tents. What does this mean exactly? I was told that it meant he studied the Torah. Is this true?   Thank you.  

What do the rabbis say about these verses, in general? And more specifically, in verse 2 who is "they"? And verses 6-7, and finally what about David wearing the "linen ephod? Was this the ephod worn by the High Priest?   Thanks David

Dear Rabbi, Are there forces or circumstances in the world that make a person a certain way, without the person being really responsible for options and results throughout life? For example, might a thief be innocent because of “the stars,” or fate or destiny? Thank you!

Bethuel (Rebecca’s father) and Laban (Rebecca’s brother) are both referred to as Aramean. What is the significance of Aramean? Doesn’t that make Rebecca also Aramean? Yet the word Aramean is not mentioned in connection to Rebecca. Why not?

Hi Rabbi, I hope you are well. I've got a question that I haven't received a satisfactory answer to, yet, and am wondering if you might know. In Rambam's introduction to Mishneh Torah, he lists the mesorah of the Torah She'Baal Peh, and says Pinchas was the link between Yehoshua and Eli (HaKohen). However, there is a gap of over 300 years between Yehoshua and Eli, over which the book of Judges covers the limited leadership in Israel over that period. Did Pinchus live that entire time?

Shalom, I would like to hear from a Rabbi (using the Tanakh, not the internet), the names of the Patriarchs listed in order from Adam to Noah, and especially the meanings of their names listed in order. For instance, in Bereshit (Genesis) - Chapter 3 verse 20 "And the man named his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all life" seems to imply that the Tanakh itself defines the name Eve as meaning "the mother of all life". Adam appears to mean man (in my humble opinion, but cannot point to a specific definition verse as explicitly stated for Eve). Actually Bereshit (Genesis) - Chapter 5 verse 2 may be an acceptable definition for Adam means "man" Please show (at least 1 verse for each Patriarch) where the Tanakh defines their name meanings. Thank you very much.