I saw you wrote in an earlier answer that it is best to distance yourself from wicked people. But isn’t it a good idea to approach wicked people in order to try to convince them to mend their ways?

Recently, i asked "Ask The Rabbi" a question and i have been waiting for an answer for about 2 months. Could you please let me know what is going on with my question and your answer? If you need me to re-ask it i will do so. just let me know accordingly.

Dear Rabbi, Why is giving charity to the poor such an important principle in Judaism? Thanks

Was remez—citing part of a scripture and knowing the audience would understand the reference—used by teachers in the first-century Jewish community? If not, when did it come into use?

Mesechta Avodah Zarah starts out by saying it is forbidden to do business with or repay debt to a gentile 3 days before their holidays because they might show gratitude to their idols. Does that mean it is prohibited to shop at a Christian-owned retail store or pay a bill between December 22-25?

Does the Gemara, Shulchan Aruch, or other Jewish sources talk about how a man can have a demotion to legally be considered like a child?

There is a holiday train garden in our area set up in honor of Xmas with a few elements for Chanukah. Most rabbis in our community think it is not a problem and permit Jews to go see it, and many members of the orthodox community, including rabbis, actually do take their children there. But my wife and I feel it is too non-Jewish and we don’t want our kids to see it. We think it’ll have a bad influence on them. The problem is, most of the kids in our kids’ classes have already seen it and our kids are jealous that they have not seen what their friends have and are bugging us. Their rebbes have taken notice of this and are telling us we should take our kids there. But we feel uncomfortable exposing our kids to stuff like this. What advice do you have?