I thought we’re not supposed to use tricks to get around laws in Judaism. So could you explain to me how selling chametz on paper, and then getting it back after Pesach, is okay? Isn’t it just a trick since we know that the buyer is never going to take the chametz? Thanks.

Rabbi, what is the significance of speaking about the four types of sons (children) at the Passover Seder? Thank you and happy Passover!

If you spend Pesach as well as several days before Pesach in a hotel, do you have to do Bedikat Chametz in the hotel room?

A woman in synagogue told me that I need to give "kimcha d'pischa" (or something like that). Rabbi, would you tell me what she was talking about? Thanks a million!

When was the law for Aashkenazim of not eating Kitniyot introduced? I have been told it is only about 300 years ago that this custom started.