I have a question about a "vacht Nacht" does the baby have to be at the place where the seudeh is taking place? thanks

To whom this may concern My name is Eliezer Klughaupt i am looking for a job for Pesach & was wondering if you have any jobs available I was a Mashgiach the past 2 years for the Gross & Schechter pesach with Sharmel Caterers in Princton NJ I am a photographer & i run a waitering service throughout the year have many years of waiting experience can you please contact me if you have any positions in mashgiach or waiting jobs still open. My email is [email protected] & my phone number is (732) 267-1349 THANK YOU

Where does the Torah say that you can't have pre-marital sex? Is it really such a big deal for a woman to be a virgin on her wedding night. If I'm sexually active, and have multiple partners, do I need to go to the mikveh? Is there a double standard between women and men and pre-marital sex, meaning, is the Halacha different for men than for women?

Can you please help me with this personal issue. Are there any circumstances that would give a child a hetter from saying kaddish for a parent if the parent was physically or emotionally abusive throughout the lifetime of the child?