Five years ago I had a mystical connection with God every day for about six months. I was overcome with tears of joy on a daily basis. It would just happen suddenly. It was as if I would suddenly hear a call and my ever sense I had would become alert as if listening for a message and receiving an energy. I learned so much during that time, mostly about peace, love, happiness, understanding, compassion, and so many other things that I had never thought of before. I subsequently learned that there was so much literature about everything that I was experiencing. Although I learned so much during that time and will always be a changed person, I do not have that connection anymore. I was thinking about that connection I longed for as I drove by and saw your sign on Delancey Street. So, I took it as a sign that I should write to you and ask, how can I have that connection again? Am I meant to try to recreate it, or is it something that will visit me again when it is time?

Dear Rabbi, Please could you explain what a sotah is, how she was dealt with in the days of the temple, and what happens among religious communities today when a woman is accused of being a sotah? I am doing a book review of the book by Naomi Ragen called sotah and I need to research the truth in the book about what really happens to a sotah. Thanks, Tamara.

hello, I have 3 questions : 1.Who wrote megilat Ester? 2.Who invented the taamim to read the Torah or megilot? 3.In the sidour after moring Shemoneh esrei is written vidoui, partly,and then Avinu Malkenu, en vidoui contnues. However, whenever you say Avinu Malkenu, you always say it right after Shemonei esrei, so why is it not written there?

If one lives outside of Israel and then decides to spend Peasch in Israel, is this person required to observe the first and second day of Peasch in Israel as if he was celebrating his/her home country?

Does Buddhism conflict with Juddhism and what is the conflist. I have been told that chanting is a form of meditation and has no conflist with Judism. Is that true and is there such a thing as a Jewidh Buddhist?