We are thinking of moving to a new town that is much more orthodox that Woodbridge (Lakewood), and a major sticking point is our pets, namely our dog. Simply put, is she muktzeh. Some say not for us, only for others; some just say yes. Do I look for a new home for her, or us?

IS there any problem with having your bris performed by your father? If he isn't a mohel? What are the requirments for a bris to be kosher?

I have been studying the Pentateuch, specifically to try to create my own chart of the feasts and offerings using the NKJB. I have a question: while studying Leviticus 23:15-22 and Numbers 28:26-31, I noticed a discrepency between the numbers of the sacrifices. This leads me to think 1) it is a copiest error, or 2) these are two different sacrifices. My friend, a former pastor, believes that these "first fruits" offerings occur before and after the Sabbaths of the Passover/Unleavened Bread week. If this is true, it seems rather arbitrary as to what happens when. So, I wanted to ask an expert. Could you please clarify these passages for me?

Dear Rabbi I have recently become a member of our Shul executive. At a recent meeting the topic under discussion was about whether to allow a particular form of advertising to take place on the Shul grounds, as a way to raise some much needed funds. I personally felt very strongly against the idea for a number of reasons which I brought up at the meeting. Nevertheless, when it came to the vote, I was out voted and the motion was passed to allow it to take place. I know for a fact that once the advertising takes place, some people will object and ask who it was that allowed it. Am I allowed to tell such people that I personally agree with them and was very against the idea too, just that I was out voted, or would doing so fall into the category discussed at the end of the Mishna in Sanhedrin 29a, of being a Ho’lech Ro’chil Me’galeh So’ed, and as a result will I be forbidden from making my own opinion know? Many thanks, Leonard