Hi; When I do Hagbah in Shul on Shabbas... I always make sure to open the Torah so that at least three panels of scripture are visible. I was told that it is Halacha that three panels of scripture show, so that the Congregation can clearly see the text of the Torah. I looked in the Shulchan Aruch once, and remember seeing something about this... I mentioned this to someone in Shul.. who said that there is no "rule' about three panels of scripture showing.. its custom.. but not Halacha.... Is it just custom. or is it a "rule" that properly, thre panels should show. There is relevance ot the question. I have had the honor of doing Hagbah hunfreds of times.. and can d oit with no problem. Othere, who don't do it much, do have a problem. They have great difficulty when picking it up.. and out of fear of tearing the parchment, the gabbai tells them to just lift it, without spreading the torah apart to much.

Dear RabbI, My food utensils that I use are Kosher but some of them have not been immersed in a mikveh. Is it too late to immerse them now? Thanks

Was the Torah read in the Tabernacle, was it read in the Temple? What type of prayer service was actually held- seems to me the service back then was all based on sacrificinig animals and if so many people brought sacrifices all the time then the service was just all blood and guts? Can you describe what the service was like back then and how it evolved? Thanks Jay

if my birthday is July 8, 1994 then what is my Torah Parasha for my Batmitzvah?