Persecution Insights
I have asked a couple questions and want to thank you for answering them, but at this time I just want to say that I am sorry for all the persecution that the Jews have suffered in from people that say they are "Christians". If they were true "Christians" they would never have persecuted their family. A Christian should be one that follows the Bible looking for the promises to be fulfilled. All of Genesis- Malachi apply. And though they believe Yeshua is the Messiah, He and Paul are both Jews from the line of Abraham, They were scholars that lived by Torah and taught Torah. All "Christians" are not the same. It is a broad word. Some people put the word Christian on themselves but never follow Yeshuas teachings let alone Torah. A true follower of Yeshua would never persecute HIs family line. So please know that I Bless you and truly am sorry for all you have suffered.