Just today I was asked to pray for a person undergoing surgery. Recently there was a study published and reported on in the ny times (mar. 31) that concluded that there was no benefit to an ill person who was being prayed for by strangers. Do we believe that praying for strangers is beneficial to that person? What is the source? If yes, can that hypothesis be studied in a scientific manner such as in the published study? If yes, please comment on the results of that study? Did they reach valid conclusions? If not, why not? If the efficacy of prayer cannot be studied, why not?

Rabbi When we started our business corp. our lawyer found that we had to change (alter) our business name because someone else had it already. He also found that the person with the name we wanted had let the name registration lapse 3 times but each time reregistered again. we got a call from our lawyer and he told us that he had been tracking the register and that the person let the name lapse again and we could get the name. That would mean that this person could not use the existing name for his business or advertising without at the very least altering it. What we are asking is, would we be doing wrong by grabbing the name? Something inside me says G-D might not be happy if we grabbed the name. Others including our lawyer do not think its a big deal and that we should just take the name. Please advise Thank You Rabbi Gil

Volunteer Dr.HUSSEIN LABIB Answers Subject Has an American author truly spoken to God? Question Neale Donald Walsch, author of the 'Conversations with God' series claims that God spoke to him. Do you think this is true? Am wondering as the God in Walsch's books makes provactive statements. According to Walsch, God said He deliberately sent Mr. Hitler down so that we would know and experience the lowest of lows, the most evil of evils, but that ¡®no harm was really done because there is no such thing as death' I would like your comments on what Walsch has written.

I have a question regarding the mikvah. I have been going to the mikvah since I got married 10 years ago. I have just had false nails put on which use gel and false tips that are permanent for 3 months. They are slightly visible when viewed from inside of the hand. What do I do for the mikvah which I am supposed to go to in about a week? Thanks