Could you tell me if wealth, health and profession of a person is destined or decreeded by God? Does judaism accept the fatalism as islamism does? Thank you.

Dear Rabbi My husband is jewish, I'm catholic. Our wedding ceremony was jewish. We have been married for 4 years and we want to have children soon. We want our kids to be jewish...What are my options? Thank you Magdalena

Hi! I have an interesting question, and am not even sure if this is the right place to refer it to. Recently, I've realized that among Chasidim, the pronunciation of Yaakov, is "Yankov", or for short, "Yanky". There is no "nun" in Yaakov, and I was wondering if you'd be able to clue me in, as to where that pronuncation stems from. The people I asked had no idea, this was the way they were taught, and the way everyone else around them spoke. Do you know why this is so? Thanks!