Shalom! I hope you had a good Shavout. I am about to visit (at some behest) a Church, and I want to know: 1) if I even should, and 2) if I do, how should I conduct myself so that I both do not offend anyone, and at the same time stay true to Judaism and Halacha.

For my halacha class, we had to learn how to ask a rav a question. one of our requirements is that we need to ask an online rav to pasken a case that we made up. Here is my case: Shira is 18 years old and her sister leah is 15 years old. they have been best friends for their whole lives. shira was diagnosed with leukeamia and is desperately in need of a bone marrow transplant. the doctors just founf out that shira is a perfect matchs for leah who needs the transplant within two weeks or she will die. shira really wants to go through with the surgery to save her sister and best friend who will die at such a young age without her help, the only problem is that there is a possibility that shira coud die in the process of saving her sister. shira knows this and still wants to go through with the surgery but she wants to know if she halachicly can go through with it.

Which prayers or psalms are most appropriate to be said when visiting the graves of departed relatives?

Hi! where do the laws of shomer negiah come from? and also, from where do we take all the prohibitions against sexuality and sexual conduct between boys/girls, men/women. Of course, the Torah forbids adultery, and also commands not to allow your daughter to G-d forbid become prostitutes, but what about everything else we practice?

As always , R Becher, you and the entire staff did another great jog this Shevoes at the Westen. The family injoyed very much. thanks this is a question i got from one of the partners in Torah i learn with ....can you help or redirect ? thanks Mutty Lipschitz 34 Wallenberg Circle Monsey NY 10952 914-772-4312 Dear Mutty A premature hello. I assume your "navigating" went well, that you enjoyed the simchas of the weddings you attended, and I hope your Chag Shavout was uplifting and your all night study was energizing! I would like to ask a favor of you - if I can presume on our friendship - though I'm not sure if it can be done. I am looking for an English translation of R' Chaim Vitals Shaarei Kedusha (I'm sure you are familiar with it - and I would like to become so). I've found a couple of different hebrew sefers available for purchase on line, but, alas, I am far, far from being able to read it yet in Lashon Kodesh (as you know from personally experiencing my poor reading ability in Chumash). I would be most grateful if you could point me in the right direction. Even a *.pdf file somebody may have compiled as a lark, or as a school project would be great. If there are no extant versions available, maybe an ambitious yeshiva bocher who had translated it in a "contest" or some such thing is available. Since you are in the center of the (western) jewish universe (i.e. Monsey - Brooklyn - Lakewood) if anything like that is happenning, you would probably know about it first. Regards to you and all your family, and thanks in advance for your help Shalom Michael