what is my daughter's parshat on october 14, 2006. How can i bring in simchat torah into her celebration that night?

I would like to purchase an Israeli tof. Any idea where to find one.

i'm married with two children. me and my husband met in israel 11 years ago and since he was leaving in los angeles we decieded that it is better if i move to L.A. since then our life has started in very difficult way. to make a story short in the past of the11 years every thing went wrong and very difficult for us. financioly. marriege, kids, almost every thing. each time we had to go through differrent crises. what should we do to change maybe our luck? is L.A. the right place for us to live or is it better to try to move to israel. i just feel so hopless that i don't know what to do and what not do. please advice. thank you

Im a 14 year old girl and i am constnatly getting sexual fellings. I want to masterabte but i feel guilty becasue the torah doesnt permit it. i wan to satisfy my body but in a way thats not agaisnt my religion. If i would masterbate is that very bad and if so what can i do?

I was recently told by smeone that the early forms of Siddurim only contained the Shema, blessings of the Shema, the Shemoneh Esrei, and the Aleinu, and the reason for the addition of the other blessings, the Verses of Praise, Ketoret, etc, were added not only in order to help one fulfill his required daily Torah study, but to fulfill the requirement of saying 100 blessings a day. Is that true?